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Dec 17 2021
23:30 - 4:30
10666, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, 249號號地下一樓

主辦人之一 鄭凱方,藝名BBhifun,年少得志,原為刺青師,在夜店開幕初期即加入工作團隊,一年內深受最終台北所給予的前衛音樂薰陶,在短期自學後登上最終策劃的酷兒派對舞台上初試啼聲,便驚豔全場,連許總監也是頭號粉絲。爾後加入最終駐場DJ團隊,並為店內活動設計了許多自我風格強烈的海報宣傳圖。本次畢業舞會的所有視覺也皆出自他手,其未來發展更是指日可待。

主辦人之二 鄭青羽藝名 Luu.Qoo,原為國際派對組織糖果山 (ᴄΔndy мoυnтΔιn) 主理人,2019年受許總監感召降臨至最終台北擔任員工及駐場DJ要職。在職期間也將糖果山派對移駕至本店舉辦,至今舉辦了三次特色主題派對,也曾創下入場新高紀錄。現今不只在台各處放歌,更轉職為派對企劃師及檳榔西施。見山不是山,除了本次送別舞會,也敬請來賓期待糖果山本月底舉辦的撲克牌聯誼派對。

主辦人之三 簡茹,藝名Bishi Bashi。社會經驗豐富,人生目標明確,也是本店最初期的元老員工之一,做事認真負責有效率,算帳能力更是不容小覷。在職的兩年內,受到許總監青睞,可稱為最佳對外社交助理。藉此,結識了各方才華洋溢好友,並開始跨足時尚造型界,接洽許多演藝造型案。在本次最終畢業舞會中正式告別舊身份,期望時尚業界人士們共同參與活動之餘,相關工作連結更望您牽成。

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  • Luu.Qoo
  • Original model, elegant and extraordinary, not only by his side, but also by his family style." FINAL's Party Declaration ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ "A new beginning, a new universe, can accept my freedom as a meteor" "New Beginning" New types of music types and party cultures can be created by everyone. "New Universe" There is music that you have never heard before, and music that you are familiar with, which is full of experimentation but interesting. We need to break the type restrictions and rules and piece together a new universe that is different from the past. "Can accept my freedom as a meteor" Here is where each restless soul rests. I will rescue you and make you honorable. ♡ Drink alcohol rationally, get together and relax
    Taipei, Taiwan