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Artwork for 2022.04.01『仙境夢遊』室內音樂季之極端火力
Apr 1 2022
10:30 - 4:30
MAJI MAJI集食行樂 Taipei, Taiwan
喜歡硬派 Hardstyle 的樂迷有福了!
又硬又派的硬梆梆指標 DJ VONIK
帶來全新的 #徹夜硬派 新品牌『MAXIMUM POWER/極端火力』
給你虐神級的秒殺 DPS 火力輸出!
#Hardstyle #HappyHardcore
LOOPTOPIA 樂托邦原班人馬製作團隊
為您奉上 theLOOP 年度鉅獻:
喜歡 #樂托邦 或音樂季的朋友們千萬不能錯過
   Hosted by DJ VONIK
   Hardstyle / Hardcore
   台灣硬派推手 VONIK
   率領WADE、 Bell、Shorty、CEVIL、TEDDY
就是 TM 的音樂季!
最原汁原味的大趴音樂季體驗,只在 OMNI!
😎 OMNI 期間限定每晚自由入場 (票價原價 $600)
🍸 4/04 女生享用無限飲品;男生可另購暢飲票 $500
🎫 請出示完整接種3劑疫苗證明之實體「COVID-19 疫苗接種記錄卡」黃卡紀錄或健保快易通 APP 證明,並落實實聯制。如有呼吸道症狀或出現發燒者,均不得進入。
😎 NO ADMISSIONS for a limited time only!
🍸 OPEN BAR for ladies on APR 4, open bar bracelets available for guys for $500 TWD
🎫 Please show your COVID-19 Vaccination Record/yellow card or equivalent official vaccination proof. You need 3 vaccinations in order to enter. Anyone showing aspiration symptoms or a fever will be denied entry.
+ read more
  • Cevil
  • DJ Shorty
  • Inherit the omni-directional design represented by the four letters of OMNI, cut into the impression of integrating the universe with dots, lines, and planes, sweeping through the color tone of the city's heritage, "smart", "regeneration", "sustainable" through Three nodes, changing the style of the entire city and neighborhood, and shaping the most classic urban night cultural landscape in Asia through a new regeneration path with well-preserved cultural resources; Depicting the very top avant-garde night culture, practicing the desire of the city of night to penetrate high-quality guest-level, and the foresight of hunting the international city, it also shows the powerful background of Taiwan ’s design soft power. Under such a sexy and provocative provocation, it still The preservation of cultural texture has become a classic in the night city. OMNI's extreme requirements have won her many international design awards, among which the most striking achievements are the iF and Red Dot International Design Awards, which are known as the "Oscars of the Design World". A nightclub that won an international design award. iF International Forum Design is an international product design award founded in 1954 and is known as the "Four International Design Awards" with the German Red Dot, the US IDEA, and the Japanese G-Mark. OMNI won the iF and Red Dot Design Awards one after another, undoubtedly setting a new standard for the night entertainment industry in the Asia-Pacific region In addition to the Oscar honor in the design world, OMNI also won the "Live Theater 2016 Nobel" American Grand Award 2016. Since the 1988 American Live Design Award, it has been recognized globally as an authority on stage art and theater. The “Best Nightclubs in the World” at the Live Design Awards in previous years were won by Las Vegas nightclubs. In 2016, they were won by OMNI from Taiwan. The World ’s Best Nightclub of the Year won not only shows OMNI ’s The proud strength has also achieved the beautiful vision of being able to connect to the world based on Taiwan. In addition to the outstanding international awards, OMNI also won the Italian A 'Design Award, Ai Ding International Space Design Award, Jintang Award, Actual Cup Innovation Design Award, China Good Design Interior Design Award Many international design awards. OMNI's ability to represent Taiwan's design in the international arena is truly exciting news. The advent of OMNI not only allowed Taiwan ’s design to win glory internationally, but also brought new meaning to the word “MIT”. It also defined a new industry standard for the night entertainment experience in Asia.
    Taipei, Taiwan